
Growing out of the Community+Values initiative, this project aims to solve complex problems, engage multiple perspectives, foster greater belonging, show compassion beyond boundaries and shape the future of our world. 

These modules are designed to support faculty members at the University of Denver and beyond in developing the necessary knowledge-base to enact inclusive pedagogical practices while succeeding in critical roles throughout their academic life-cycles. We strive to make this website a dynamic repository of information, so content is periodically updated. In the interest of collaboration and intellectual exchange, we invite you to recommend topics, submit ideas for blog posts, share your research and suggest content by contacting the Office of Teaching and Learning at



  • teacher presenting Venn diagram

    An introduction to a critical framework

  • notebook

    Guidelines for incorporating inclusive practices into your teaching

  • play button

    Recommended TED Talks, websites and other resources

  • stack of books

    Downloadable academic articles

campus in spring

Identity Pedagogies

outdoor classroom

Trauma Informed Pedagogy

Trauma-Informed and Healing-Centered pedagogies are responsive to broad experiences of individual and community trauma in relation to academic settings, teaching, and learning...

woman standing in crowd

Spiritual and Religious Diversity

Spirituality, secularism, and religion are complex and expansive topics that warrant careful consideration in North American college campuses...

students at a pride event

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Gender identity and expression are complex concepts that have come to the forefront of recent national conversations around diversity and inclusion in Higher Education...

native americans with traditional blankets

Native American Pedagogies

American Indian students make up 1% of the total population in the United States. Despite 85% of Native students attending public schools, these students have the highest dropout rate of any racial or ethnic group at over 65%...

campus in spring

Disability Pedagogy & Accessibility

This module offers resources and specific strategies for educators to understand the philosophy behind disability pedagogy which strives to illuminate invisible barriers to learning.

A group of students listening in on a lecture.

Masculine Identity

This module will provide strategies for faculty on how to create a learning environment that transcends hegemonic masculinity and encourages men to grapple with hegemonic norms.

campus in spring

Teaching Models

women walking to class

Inclusive Pedagogy

Inclusive Pedagogy is the purposeful embodiment of inclusive teaching practices toward multiple student identity groups...

students in class

Intersectional Pedagogy

Intersectional Pedagogy is an approach to teaching and learning by which inequality and exclusion resulting from intersecting social identities are understood, explained, and challenged...

students in class

Inclusive Assessment

Assessment is an iterative, methodical, and participatory process designed to strengthen teaching and learning practices. Just as doctors deliver treatments in consultation with medical data...

students in class

Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a teaching approach that works to accommodate the needs and abilities of all learners by dismantling participation barriers...

students in chemistry class

The Community of Inquiry Model

The model of a community of inquiry consists of three key elements of an educational experience: Teaching presence, cognitive presence, and social presence...

student of color giving a presentation at a DU student fair

Global Intercultural Pedagogy

This module offers resources and specific strategies for educators to critically reflect on intercultural communication and classroom practices in order to highlight and value cultural difference as a part of the classroom content...

campus in spring

What content would you like us to cover next?

We invite you to reach out with your input, as well as your challenges, and questions. 

Get in Touch

DU campus building

Learning Goals

The Inclusive Teaching Practices Portal is designed as a resource to help you answer questions such as:

  • How might my identities and worldview influence the way I teach and interact with students?
  • How can I foster interpersonal dialogues that honor multiple perspectives and validate students' experiences?
  • Does the material and content in my course reflect and honor multiple perspectives?
  • What powers and privileges might be reinforced in the curriculum that I teach?
  • Do my course activities, assignments and exams meet the needs of all learners through a combination of group work, individual work, and collaborative learning opportunities?
  • Does my class provide multiple perspectives by incorporating "real world" cases or research, guest speakers, films, etc.?
  • How can I provide multiple ways of presenting information, scaffolding learning and allowing for student choice?
black women leading a seminar

Inclusive Learning Statement

Inclusive Learning statements can be included on a syllabus and should be discussed in class periodically. The following statement was developed by DU's Faculty Senate, which can be used and adapted by DU faculty:

In this class, we will work together to develop a learning community that is inclusive and respectful. Our diversity may be reflected by differences in race, culture, age, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, and myriad other social identities and life experiences. The goal of inclusiveness, in a diverse community, encourages and appreciates expressions of different ideas, opinions, and beliefs, so that conversations and interactions that could potentially be divisive turn instead into opportunities for intellectual and personal enrichment.

A dedication to inclusiveness requires respecting what others say, their right to say it, and the thoughtful consideration of others’ communication. Both speaking up and listening are valuable tools for furthering thoughtful, enlightening dialogue. Respecting one another’s individual differences is critical in transforming a collection of diverse individuals into an inclusive, collaborative and excellent learning community. Our core commitment shapes our core expectation for behavior inside and outside of the classroom.